Posts Tagged ‘anemia’

Wow.  So this is day 2 post anemia.

WHAT AN AMAZING RIDE I just had.. I feel like a million bucks!

Just a massive amount of power coming out of a stop.  I’m able to maintain a cadence MUCH longer. 

It seriously feels like I am 40% stronger than I was 2 weeks ago.

It’s interesting to note that I’ve been riding without my heart rate monitor because I keep forgetting to put it on.

So RunKeeper has a funny habit of picking up OTHER people’s Ant+ HRMs and logging points of data in my graph.

Here’s an example.

Comparing apples to apples.  It seems that on the same stretch of road 2 weeks ago I was riding at 15MPH where now I’m riding at 20MPH.  That’s a 33% improvement!  

I love cows!


Today was my first post-anemia cycling and gym day.  I don’t do any hard core cycling on my gym days.  Usually just 20 minutes.  About 8 miles or 350 calories.

The ride was REALLY easy.  My legs were real strong.  It felt like I could actually kick it up a notch and use a higher gear.

The data would seem to back this up already.

Today’s ride was about 16.73 MPH on average.  

My last there rides were and 14.46 and 14.64 …

I did a similar ride which wasn’t exactly the same route but that was 13.70 MPH

Isn’t it awesome to have this data!

This is a 15% performance improvement.  

Also, I didn’t particularly push it that hard on this ride more than I normally do.

I’m going to take a couple more measurements and see what is up.

I also might get a power meter for my bike to get more objective data.

I also lifted today and the results were vastly improved.

I was able to finish my entire workout without any fading in energy like last time.  

Further, I only had MILD dizziness while doing deadlifts.  It lasted maybe 2 seconds and wasn’t severe at all.

Hopefully by next week this is gone altogether.

I’m still using my 3x meal plan with red meat.  Long term this isn’t a good strategy but it has worked like a champ to get me back in shape quickly.

As an aside.  I think I discovered that I’m allergic to shellfish.  At least mussels and clams.

I woke up this morning with a rough case of itching on my face and neck and I noticed the SAME thing last week as well.

This is new.  I REALLY like seafood so this is a bit disturbing.  They’re also good sources of iron so I’m going to have to figure out what is going on here.